
Contoh Soal UKA Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Terbaru

Teruntuk kakakku tercinta (Uthie Wahyuni) yang akan siap-siap mengikuti Uji Kompetensi Awal Calon Guru Sertifikasi, saya copy paste kan dari blog tetangga. Berikut contoh Soal UKA Bahasa Inggris yang Kakak cari. 

1. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys …… color.
  • a. within
  • B. for
  • C. in
  • D. by
2. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries …… the participants are not careful.
  • a. that
  • B. and
  • C. for
  • D. if
3. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ……
  • a. occasionally to find
  • B. occasionally found
  • c. have occasionally been found
  • D. have occasionally found
4. He is very proficient …… English, but very deficient …… mathematics.
  • a. in – in
  • B. in – with
  • C. with – in
  • D. at – for
5. An actress’s life is in many ways …… other women.
  • a. alike that of
  • B. like that of
  • C. like of that
  • D. alike of that
6. In order for people to work together effectively, they need …… each other’s needs.
  • a. to be sensitive to
  • B. is sensitive for
  •  C. sensitivity
  • D. sensitive
7. …… great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover.
  • a. Very
  • B. Too
  • C. Such
  • D. So
8. I think my answer on the exam ….
  • a. the possible best choice
  • B. the best possible choice
  • b. the better of all choices
  • D. best beyond all choices
9. I will talk to the children ….
  • a. one and then the other
  • B. in singles
  • b. first one then the next
  • D. one by one
10. Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk …. get around.

  • a. good enough to
  • B. well enough to
  • C. good to
  • D. fine enough to
11.  …… a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become.
  • a.When
  • B. The longest
  • C. The longer
  • D. If
12.  This milk is ….
  • a. not enough cool to drink
  • B. not cool enough to drink
  • c.  not enough cool for drinking
  • D. not to drink enough cool
13. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm …… to that of a boy.
  • a.  equally
  • B. they are equal
  •  C. equal
  • D. and equal
14.  …… united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved.
  • a. It is a
  • B. A
  • C. There is a
  • D. An
15. The teacher spoke …. I couldn’t understand him.
  • a. rapidly so that
  • B. that so rapidly
  • C. so rapidly that
  • D. rapidly that so
16. We will not leave …. she arrives.
  • a. until
  • B. for
  • C. since
  • D. during
17.  He is …. thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift …. finger to help anyone.
  • a. the – a
  • B. a – the
  • C. the – the
  • D. a – a
18.  In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and …… is the automobile.
  • a. most affected its culture
  • B. most affecting its culture
  • c. with most effect o its culture
  • D. most to affect its culture
19.  He is so honorable that I believe he is …. telling a lie.
  • a.uncapable of
  • B. incapable of
  • C. incapable to
  • D. impossible of
20.  His grandfather owns a large …. in the country.
  • a. vegetable’s farm
  • B. vegetable farm’s
  • c. farm’s vegetable
  • D. vegetable farm
Source: Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008
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Ada juga contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Yang Lain:
Perintah: Silahkan pilih jawaban yang anda anggap benar, untuk melihat hasil, klik tombol Simpan
  1. Ciri utama dari inovasi dalam pendidikan adalah kekhasan, kebaharuan, terencana dan mempunyai tujuan. Salah satu contoh dari penerapan bidang pendidikan tahun 2000-an adalah . . . .

    A.Pembelajaran Kelas Rangkap

    B.Lesson Study
    E.Tidak ada jawaban benar
  2. Di antara pernyataan-pernyataan berikut yang tidak sesuai dengan proyek adalah...

    A.Kurang dapat membangkitkan kreativitas dan daya cipta siswa

    B.Bisa digunakan dengan cooperative learning
    C.Pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dapat diintegrasikan
    D.Bisa digunakan untuk individu maupun kelompok.
    E.Ada 2 jawaban benar
  3. Adalah proses komunikasi dimana terjadi pembagian informasi bersama untuk mencapai suatu kesepakatan bersama, pernyataan tersebut termasuk komunikasi . . . .


    E.Semua jawaban salah
  4. Mencari penguatan terhadap keputusan inovasi yang dilakukan termasuk . . . .

    A.Bujukan (persuasion)

    B.Konfirmasi (confirmation)
    C.Implementasi (implementation)
    D.Pengembalian keputusan (decision making)
    E.Tidak ada jawaban yang benar
  5. Salah satu sifat perubahan dalam inovasi yaitu upaya penyusunan kembali berbagai komponen yang ada dalam siustem dengan maksud untuk menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan dan kebutuhan, disebut . . . .


    E.Tidak ada jawaban
  6. Yang tidak termasuk kegiatan mempersiapkan observasi adalah ...

    A.Menentukan siapa yang akan mengobservasi

    B.Mewawancarai siswa yang hendak kita observasi
    C.Menentukann kegiatan atau tindakan yang akan diobservasi
    D.Menentukan rencana sampling
    E.Semua jawaban salah
  7. Dasnil : Where will we stay if we go to Bali next holiday?
    Irwan : At an inn.
    Dasnil : Have you checked the price?
    Irwan : Yes, the price is Rp. 50.000,- per night.
    Dasnil : The price includes breakfast, ______?

    A.doesn’t it

    B.does it
    C.isn't it
    D.is it
  8. Suatu penggabungan Sekolah Dasar di daerah kecamatan sebagai upaya meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pengelolaan pendidikan, disebut . . . .

    A.Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah / School Based Management

    B.School Merger
    C.Multi Grade Instruction Pembelajaran Kelas Rangkap
    E.Jawaban tidak ada
  9. Untuk membedakan karya tulis ilmiah dan karya tulis bukan ilmiah, seseorang dapat mengkaji berbagai aspek tulisan. Salah satu aspek yang dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda adalah

    A.sistematika tulisan

    B.panjang tulisan
    C.ragam bahasa yang digunakan
    E.Ada 3 jawaban benar
  10. Amanda : Look, aren’t Mike Tyson and Hollyfield good boxers?
    Linda : Yes. They are both strong, aren’t they?
    Joe : Yes, but Mike Tyson is ______ Hollyfield.
    Frank : And Mike can knock out his opponent easily.

    A.stronger than

    B.as strong as
    C.the strongest
    D.very strong
 Sumber : Simulasi Soal UKG Online

Selain itu, ada juga soal ini, kakak bisa mencopynya langsung :

1.    With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys ...... color.
a.    within B. for C. in D. by
2.    Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ...... the participants are not careful.
a.    that B. and C. for D. if
3.    Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ......
a.    occasionally to find B. occasionally found
b.    have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found
4.    He is very proficient ...... English, but very deficient ...... mathematics.
a.    in - in B. in - with C. with - in D. at - for
5.    An actress’s life is in many ways ...... other women.
a.    alike that of B. like that of C. like of that D. alike of that
6.    In order for people to work together effectively, they need ...... each other’s needs.
a.    to be sensitive to B. is sensitive for C. sensitivity D. sensitive
7.    ...... great was the distruction that the South took decades to recover.
a.    Very B. Too C. Such D. So
8.    I think my answer on the exam ....
a.    the possible best choice B. the best possible choice
b.    the better of all choices D. best beyond all choices
9.    I will talk to the children ....
a.    one and then the other B. in singles
b.    first one then the next D. one by one
10.  Despite of his broken leg, Allen can walk .... get around.
a.    good enough to B. well enough to C. good to D. fine enough to
11.  ...... a person wears eyeglasses, the more dependent on them he or she tends to become.
a.    When B. The longest C. The longer D. If
12.  This milk is ....
a.    not enough cool to drink B. not cool enough to drink
b.    not enough cool for drinking D. not to drink enough cool
13.  In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ...... to that of a boy.
a.    equally B. they are equal C. equal D. and equal
14.  ...... united effort is needed if the problem of the ‘underground economy’ is to be resolved.
a.    It is a B. A C. There is a D. An
15.  The teacher spoke .... I couldn’t understand him.
a.    rapidly so that B. that so rapidly C. so rapidly that D. rapidly that so
16.  We will not leave .... she arrives.
a.    until B. for C. since D. during
17.  He is .... thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift .... finger to help anyone.
a.    the - a B. a - the C. the - the D. a - a
18.  In recent times, the invention which has most changed the face of the world, most influenced the industrial development of the world, and ...... is the automobile.
a.    most affected its culture B. most affecting its culture
b.    with most effect o its culture D. most to affect its culture
19.  He is so honorable that I believe he is .... telling a lie.
a.    uncapable of B. incapable of C. incapable to D. impossible of
20.  His grandfather owns a large .... in the country.
a.    vegetable’s farm B. vegetable farm’s
b.    farm’s vegetable D. vegetable farm
21.  ...... problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs.
a.    The biggest one B. Of the biggest one
b.    One of the biggest D. There are the biggest
22.  Generic medications are just as ...... and much less expensive.
a.    effectively brand-name products B. brand-name products effective
b.    brand-name products as effective D. effective as brand-name products
23.  He was laughing so hard that we thought that he was ...... hysterical.
a.    real B. really C. that like real
24.  The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ...... the topic.
a.    relevant with B. relevant to C. relating to D. relevant for
25.  I have paid for so many traffic violations that I ...... a regular customer.
a.    have almost become B. almost have become
b.    almost became D. have almost to become
26.  Frank was very lucky to have escaped with his life; he almost did not get ...... in time.
a.    out from the room B. from the room out
b.    out to the room D. out of the room
27.  Her husband has a habit of speaking ......
a.    mostly bluntly B. most blunt C. very bluntly D. very blunt-like
28.  It is difficult to understand many British actors, but some of them ......
a.    speak more clear than others B. speak more clearly than others
b.    speak clearer from others D. speak clearer than others
29.  Why do you feel you effended your our hostess last night? I ...... anything wrong.
a.    wasn’t not aware of B. wasn’t aware from
b.    wasn’t aware of D. wasn’t aware to
30.  People in other lands laugh at our fashions because they probably cannot .... the styles
a.    adjust with B. be adjusted C. adjusting to D. adjust to
Sumber : Buku Materi PLPG UNNES 2008
Special untuk kakakku yang paling cantik - Uthie Mama Riyan


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